
Where to Start

Welcome to The Salvation Series, a sibling collaboration of the arts dramatically retelling the gospel story using music, painting, poetry, and written narrative. It consists of 4 virtual rooms, each featuring a part of the story told with poetry, painting, music, and written narrative, in that order. Included in the written narrative elements are timestamps to synchronize with the music.

Although the series is virtual, it is designed to feel and flow like a live art exhibit, guiding the viewer through the creative elements in the order they are intended. For navigation, simply follow the buttons at the end of each page to move to the next room. From start to finish, this series takes ~20 minutes to complete, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the series.

- The Salvation Series begins here -

Thank you for joining us. We hope you leave inspired!

The painting was created while listening to the music. The colors chosen are a reflection of the artist’s experience and her interpretation of the allegory. As you will find out, color and music both act as powerful storytellers.


The music in this series is a 4-part composition created to tell a story. Each section gives its own perspective on what it means to be human, and together, the work forms an artistic retelling of the gospel, focusing on the Christian's experience through Salvation and Sanctification. It draws heavily from cinematic orchestral sounds yet combines various new textures to produce something unique and hopefully engaging.

The main character of this allegory is Jesus of Nazareth. It is set in ancient times and depicts two cities far away from each other. The first city lives in the west, bordered by a vast ocean, enveloped by rolling hills, and decorated by a winding river that starts off in the distant mountains and travels some ways before finding its way home to the coast. The second city lies far to the east. It sits at the center of a barren wasteland and is shadowed by a thick smog that stifles any indication that somewhere up above exists a clear sky. Although very much populated, the second city is unnaturally silent outside its iron gates. The striking contrast in appearance between these cities represents the rigid dichotomy between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of man, and it is near the outer walls of the second city, the "City of Destruction," that the intro takes place, with Jesus walking quietly alone toward the outer gates.

While the allegory follows Jesus, this story is actually about us, and it begins with us in our natural state, pitifully obsessed with gratifying our impulsive desires.